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Motor Vehicle Injury

Personal Injury - Motor Vehicle Collisions

Injury law follows a standard pattern of elements (negligence) that must be proven: A duty, a breach of that duty, a injury related to that breach of duty, and damages. To put that practically, drivers on a public roadway have many duties. Among these is the duty to maintain a proper lookout to avoid collision (pay attention). If a driver is inattentively driving and slams into you at a red light they have obviously breached this duty. When you suffer a back injury or  neck injury because of this collision and your doctor reasonably relates these injuries to the auto collision you incur expenses, completing the elements.

Damages that you may be due include: Medical Bills, Lost Wages, Lost Future Wages, Pain, Suffering, Inconvenience, etc.

Pay special attention to Alabama’s Contributory Negligence Laws. The law says that if you contribute to the accident in any way, you may not recover as described above.

Insurance companies and their adjusters want you to take their initial low offer which does not account for most of the damages above. They will use tactics like trying to convince you that you were at fault in some way in order to coax you into a speedy settlement without knowing the facts of the case.  We offer free consultations and would be happy to evaluate your case.

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